Monday, April 5, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

Uncle Trey is having a crawfish boil!

3 Years Old

When we asked Spencer who he wanted to invite to his birthday party, he told us, "Gran, Grandaddy, Aunt Meghan, Uncle Chris, Aunt Sarah & Uncle Trey." Other than MehMeh and Chris who are in London, all of his guests were there (despite 8-10 inches of newly fallen snow).


My New Love, BAILEY


Big Boys Dress Themselves


This is my AWESOME Gator from Uncle Roy & Aunt Pat

Missing my Baby Days

Better late than never, right? Here are a few holiday pics as well as Spencer's 3rd Birthday, etc. As you can see from the fall leaves, some of these date all the way back to November :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010