Saturday, February 10, 2007


Here are a few pics from a trip to Dalton.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Back from Tanning

Spencer is back from photo therapy and home again. He is doing well and is more tan that his father ever has been or ever will be. Mom is also doing well. We have added a few more pics and below is a link to 30 more. Hope everyone is doing well.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Thursday, February 1, 2007


We were finally discharged at 8:30 and they actually allowed us to take Spencer home with us. T.J. and Dex don't know what to do make of their brother yet. Hopefully we'll get some shuteye in the next couple of nights.

Trey made it into town today and the rest of the aunts and uncles will be here this weekend. A few more pics for everyone and I'm trying to set up a link to all of our pictures on Kodak.


Sorry it has taken a few days for me to post a few pictures. Brenna and Spencer will be released from the hospital tonight after 9 pm for our first night at home. We will post more pictures when we get a chance to sit down. Thanks for everyone's support.